'His information is often so precise that many people believe he is the unofficial historian of the secret services. His books are peppered with deliberate clues to potential front-page stories' (The Sunday Times)
The Kompromat Conspiracy: The Truth About the Trump Dossier
The most detailed, forensic investigation of the notorious Trump Dossier, the document which split American politics, reoccupied the U.S. Congress, wrecked lives, undermined the integrity of the FBI and the Department of Justice, and nearly poisoned the Anglo-American "Special Relationship". The Dossier would be the focus of a Special Counsel's review, two government reports, several Congressional committee investigations, and three court battles fought in Miami, New York and London. This analysis reveals the role of the Dossier's author, Christopher Steele, his abbreviated MI6 career, his participation in an enquiry into World Cup football corruption, his links to Russian oligarchs and his invention of a spy-ring inside the Kremlin. Who were his Russian sources? How did he recruit Igor Danchenko? When did the FBI learn the truth, and who then bungled a cover-up?
"The most detailed forensic analysis yet undertaken of the most notorious political document of our era. This is a painstaking, assiduous investigation that rivals Sherlock Holmes for mystery-solving, but entertains with elements of Clouseau."
Daniel Hoffman, Former CIA Moscow Station Chief